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March Racing Update


March was the first big racing month for Run Your Personal Best athletes and it doesn’t get much better than this...5 personal best’s set in March- Brett C, Adam T, Meghan M, Casey R and Diana H all walked away with new personal bests.

Brett C.

Brett C. (above) after taking the fall completely off from running, started increasing his mileage slowly starting January 1st and has been quickly getting fitter and fitter. Brett tested his fitness with his first race in over 4 months at the St Patrick’s Day 10k in Pottstown and came away with a 20 second personal best at 49:04 earning him 15th overall.


Diana H. (above) who completed her first ½ Marathon and crushed a hilly course at the Caesar Rodney ½ Marathon in 2:22:46. Running extremely strong her last 5k, after running 10 hilly miles was 32:38, which was more than 3 minutes faster then her first 5k.


Adam T., Meghan M. and Casey R. walked away with 3 huge PR’s at The Love Run ½ Marathon. Adam T. (above) joined Run Your Personal Best two months ago and shaved 5 minutes off his ½ Marathon PR with a 1:54:40. Meghan M. (below) also took a huge chuck off her ½ Marathon PR running a huge negative split (2nd ½ of race faster than first) for 1:55:56, over a 4-minute improvement from her previous PR. Lastly, former professional tennis player Casey R. ran a impressive 1:30:16 and walked away with 3rd in her age group and 22nd female overall.


Keith C. (below) our serial racer and strong competitor had three solid races finishing all within the top 10 overall, including two age group wins at the Rotary for Youth 10 Miler (4th Overall) and Juliannes Journey 5k (2nd Overall).

Kieth - Rotary Race for Youth 10 Miler.jpg

I’d like to welcome our new Run Your Personal Best athletes:

Tracy from Cherry Hill, NJ – Training for Broad Street

Paulina from Philadelphia, PA – Training for Broad Street

Matthew from Philadelphia, PA. – Training for Broad Street

Karthik from Lansdale, PA. – Training to make varsity cross county/track

Matt from Media, PA. – Training to break 16:00 for 5k

April Races:

Danielle G – Boston Marathon

Brett C - Cherry Blossom 10 Miler

Keith C. – Swamp Creek 5k, 5’n’Dime 10k, Innabah Challenge 5k

Valerie C – Hot Chocolate 5k (First Race Ever)

Matt F – Widener Invite 5000m (track)

Meghan M – Hot Chocolate 15k

Tracy M – Hot Chocolate 5k

Kathleen N – Run to Overcome 5k (First Race Ever)

Adam T – Hot Chocolate 15k

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