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Do You Really Need to Cross Train?
For most of us, our time available to train for a race is limited by work, family and life’s more pressing issues. This can lead to...

The Best Tip to Become Better At Run Pacing
Nearly every world record from 1500 meters to marathon has been set by running negative splits, which is running the second half of the...

Three Things Your Paper Training Plan Won’t Tell You About Marathon Training
For those that are following a training plan, the words and numbers outlined week by week rule your life and most likely lead to more...

2 Ways To Alter Your Long Run For Better Results
The long run is a staple in all marathon and ½ marathon training. It’s the one run that prepares you physically and mentally to tackle...

The One Thing Every New Runner Does Wrong. Why Slow Runs Matter
Remember the old saying, “Slow and steady wins the race?” Well, when it comes to running there’s a lot of truth to that statement. If...

How to Practice Your Goal Race Pace Before Race Day
Odds are at this point in your Broad Street Training you’ve landed upon a finishing time goal. There’s also a good chance your goal has...
Advice From Perhaps The World’s Best Coach
If you’ve been following elite running over the past year, Mo Farah, Galen Rupp and Mary Cain are athletes you know well. Mo Farah won...
Lactic Acid: A Runner's Best Friend
There's no doubt that training to increase your running velocity at lactate threshold should be included in every runners program but...
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